Benet Mosop Community Association an indigenous NGO operates from the Kween district in Eastern Uganda. This in the Tuikat sub county, Kwosir Sub County, Kitowoi Sub County, Benet sub county, and Kaseko sub county. Also, in Bukwo distict, at Kapsekek Parish and Kwoti sub county in Kapchorwa district. This is the settlement area from 1937 colonial boundary on the North, Suam river in the East, 1936 colonial boundary in the west, and colonial boundary between Kenya and Uganda in the South.
Our community having 37 clans of Mosopisyek and our ancestral land is divided into four clusters namely:
- Chebukuut cluster which is from Suam river to Bukwo river in the East
- Kupiswa cluster which from river Bukwo to Atari River in the middle
- Kaborom cluster which from River Atari to River Yembek in the middle
- Tengwoopkiir from River Yembek to River Rokok (Rwakaka) in the west.