The organization advocates for the rights of indigenous who were forcefully evicted from Mt. Elgon Forest their ancestral land and turned into the National Park, so whenever we access our ancestral land, we face human rights abuses such as shootings, torture, arrests and impounding of our animals. Therefore, the following are the programs/projects which the organization handling:

  1. Advocating for the restitution of our ancestral land as our rights as Mosopisyek indigenous community.
  2. Advocating for the identity of Mosopisyek tribe in the constitution of Uganda as one of the tribes which was existing before 1926 as required by the constitution
  3. Conservation of our ancestral land using our indigenous knowledge in order to combat climate change. We have submitted a joint conservation report to the government but they are not willing for joint conservation in order to save our forest and our wildlife.
  4. Advocating for sports tourism since our children as Mosopisyek are good champions such as Joshua Cheptegei, Kiplimo Jacob, Victor Kiplangat and many others are international champions and we shall have more champions when we are allowed to stay and take care of our ancestral land.
  5. Follow up of the human rights abuses such as shootings, torture, and arrests in the courts of law whenever we access our ancestral land for cultural and medicinal and other resources.

Successful stories of our organization

  1. Follow up our identity as Mosopisyek with other indigenous such Maragoli, Bakigwe, and others who are not recognized in the constitution as tribes that existed before 1926 as the constitution stipulates. We are part of the community who submitted the petition to the speaker of parliament and minister for constitutional affairs with other affected indigenous. We still in the follow up since we are not yet recognized.
  2. We have managed to unite as indigenous in East Africa having the same problems of land rights and victims of forceful evictions due to conservation. We always contact assemblies on how to share the ideas on how we can take care of our ancestral lands using our indigenous knowledge despite of challenges of human rights we are going through.

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