Celebration of Mosopisyek tribe identity Celebration of Chepkitale and Benet over joint conservation
Celebration of Mosopisyek tribe identity Celebration of Chepkitale and Benet over joint conservation
Battle for Land Identity Appearing in the Independent Newspaper. Cessation of multiple violations of Mosopisyek UWA Occupied by Mosopisyek of Benet over human rights abuses
Mosopisyek of Benet indigenous have been identified as a tribe in constitution in Uganda.
Advocating for: The current initiative of our our organization is seeking for the identity of our tribe Mosopisyek to be included in the constitution of Uganda being supported by UNHCR. This comes when Uganda is going to have census on 10th May 2024, as Indigenous minority community we are tired of living in a borrowed…
Restitution of their ancestral land and promotes sports tourism, and culture in their ancestral land for future sustainability.
Benet Mosop Community Association is an indigenous NGO formed in Benet resettlement scheme in 2014 as CBO called Mt. Elgon Benet Indigenous Ogiek (MEBIO) by Mosopisyek of Benet. In 2021 the CBO was upgraded and registered as BENET MOSOP COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (BMCA) an indigenous NGO in the ministry of internal affairs. The organization operates in…
Benet Mosop Community Association an indigenous NGO operates from the Kween district in Eastern Uganda. This in the Tuikat sub county, Kwosir Sub County, Kitowoi Sub County, Benet sub county, and Kaseko sub county. Also, in Bukwo distict, at Kapsekek Parish and Kwoti sub county in Kapchorwa district. This is the settlement area from 1937…
Ongoing Projects Upcoming events of our organization Past events of our organization
The organization advocates for the rights of indigenous who were forcefully evicted from Mt. Elgon Forest their ancestral land and turned into the National Park, so whenever we access our ancestral land, we face human rights abuses such as shootings, torture, arrests and impounding of our animals. Therefore, the following are the programs/projects which the…